Padded Walls Clan

Padded Walls Clan

by PunchesSheep » Fri May 31, 2013 3:30 pm

In order to join this clan, you are subject to a few questions. They are all normal questions to make sure that you're in the right place. You know, regulatory stuff.

We'll start easy and then progress in difficulty. (This is the application you should fill out to apply for Padded Walls.)

Have you been banned:
Well dangit dingus, why were you banned:
Would you prefer the tag Sane or Nsane or no tag:
Do the voices ever stop?:
This next question is important.

If a song were to relate to your left big toe the most, what would it be?

The tag I am going to use is either Sane or Nsane and depending on what people prefer most when they apply, I will choose that tag to be used for the entire clan.

List of current clan members - PunchesSheep, C1pperTheCat, Udo, lolubuck

Nsane - 3
Sane - 1
No preference - 0
Last edited by PunchesSheep on Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by C1pperTheCat » Fri May 31, 2013 8:13 pm

you know very well who I am...
Anyways, I have never been banned nor kicked. I would greatly prefer the tag Nsane. Idk, it just fits me. Now voices, are you talking about the ones that insane people get? Or you screaming at me to get a Skype? If it's the second one, then no. That never stops... And that last question... What kind of question is that? I mean. Think of the vast range of songs that that question covers. It covers actual music, game soundtracks, and random music. For me, well I seriously have no idea. But going back to a earlier question. Nsane. DO IT!!! I will bug you to death to make it Nsane. Seriously, I will. But back to the toe question. I still have no idea. Maybe I'll tell you later if I can come up with something. But go ahead and get that Clan Tag up. It gets annoying not having one.

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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by lolubuck » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:01 am

Well I <3 u. I've been banned cuz over people cuss me out and I say shut up or idiot and I get banned. Also I piss off the mods sometimes >:). Nsane. No the voice doesn't stop ever since she straight up friend zoned me literally said I dunzz like u but I like u as a friend :( . And last and most importantly. I'm sexy and I know it wud go along wih dat big toe
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by zuko135 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:54 pm

You can't have 2 different tags, its either Nsane or Sane.
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by PunchesSheep » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:36 pm

Not trying to have 2 tags. Trying to see what my clan members would want before deciding.
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by Udo51 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:16 pm

IGN:Udo51 (Street name: Udo Fiddy Wan)
Have you been banned: Not really (Troll & Test bans)
Well dangit dingus, why were you banned: Ancient Chinese secret
Would you prefer the tag Sane or Nsane or no tag: Sane or "Nsane"
Do the voices ever stop?: They stop in a rhythmic fashion, sometimes "Shave and a haircut, two bits" and sometimes the hokey pokey
If a song were to relate to your left big toe the most, what would it be?: "I'll Do Anything You Want Me To" By Barry White
Sdor says some PG-13 stuff
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by PunchesSheep » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:19 pm

Of course Udo is in.

lolubuck is also in.

That acceptation was a bit late*
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Re: Padded Walls Clan

by TimmyTopHat » Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:33 am

No replies in 6+ months, clan not created. Locked and archived.
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