kreatious presents: [~TEAMSPEAK NIGHT~]

The fun stuff goes here.

kreatious presents: [~TEAMSPEAK NIGHT~]

by tempestfeir » Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:54 am


What is teamSpeak Night?

teamSpeak Night is an event to encourage new players, and old players alike; to join our teamSpeak server for fun, to get to know a part of the community, and to further tie our players to our community

How do I join?

Please refer to the [HOW-TO]Thread

But I have no microphone!

Well you don't actually need one! teamSpeak comes with a written chat function, so you can listen and type to us and those who are talking can read what you type! We Will also attempt to have a moderator in both channels to make sure things go smoothly

When is teamSpeak Night?

We're gonna attempt teamSpeak Night Every Friday Night Between the following times;
[Friday does not seem to work, and Saturdays seem to be far more busy on teamSpeak, so Saturdays are now the standard night]
  • 5pm - 1am PST
  • 6pm - 2am MST
  • 7pm - 3am CST
  • 8pm -4am EST
Please keep in mind this is just a guideline And there may be periods where not many are on.

What does teamSpeak Night mean for the Regular TS Crowd?

We'll we'd like to encourage you to get out of your private channels, and come to the lobby, or Stone chats so that the new players can get to know some of the Vocal community.

Having more than 10 people in a channel can be a pain on the ears....

We realize this and that is why there are 2 lobbys, The General Lobby, and the Not Safe For Work Lobby, We also have the 3 stone public chats for some groups that'd like to play together.
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