Server rollback to 1.7

Server rollback to 1.7

by Neko92 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:32 am

As some of you may or may not know (yet) the server has been rolled back to just before the 1.8 update. This is due to various problems with the 1.8 plugins and maps.

What was wrong?

The lag and crashes, were caused by a problem in the /mine world where chunks were not being unloaded, even when players weren't in/near them. This means the more people explored, the more chunks were loaded which then dropped our ticks per second slowly until we end up crashing

Each time it crashed a few things happened. Either players were having stuff of theirs get duplicated or stuff was just vanishing completely.

There was also problems in the main world old continent that involved duplication glitches with chunks, not just players inventories etc.

Another issue that was happening is each time a Crash occurred it would randomly reset the /mine world to the same map in which players could go back and re-mine diamonds or raid Monuments that they knew the location to. This is in a way of duping which those who have read the rules know is not allowed.

Why couldn't it be fixed?

Our gracious kreatious owner and administrator has taken a vacation with family and will not return till about January 6th. While on this vacation he could not access his home computer to fix the problems and any others not known. The best option he could do remotely from his hotel was to roll back the server to 1.7 Given how many problems there were it was inevitable to be rolled back when he returned anyways. It is better we have a 6 day rollback than a 12 day roll back.

What does this mean?

Simply put the whole server is now as it was about December 26th 2014. Anything done in 1.8 is now gone.
Please do not harass moderators or other players about stuff you lost. They have lost stuff to.
For now you must use 1.7.10 version to play on kreatious.

Please be respectful with your responses of this issue.

May Zerg enjoy the remainder of his vacation
Everyone have a Happy New Year!


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Re: Server rollback to 1.7

by Kassu233 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:50 am

despite you insulting the music i listen on skype, (huehuehue) i find this as a really good and an informative post. it tells what it needs to.
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:19 pm

Re: Server rollback to 1.7

by ShadyVale » Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:20 pm

Thanks for the info, neko.
Hopefully the problem isn't something too major and we can get back to 1.8

Won't be long before the "are we 1.9 yet" questions start :roll:
minecraft gamepedia Wrote:1.9 is an upcoming update to Minecraft with no set release date, currently only listed in the bug tracker as "Far Future Version - 1.9+, as well as mentioned by the Minecraft Developers. It has been announced that 1.9 snapshots will begin being published in January of 2015.
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Re: Server rollback to 1.7

by TheKielEnforcer » Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:51 pm

Thanks for the info! :D
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Re: Server rollback to 1.7

by Hrodgard » Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:44 am

Is there a estimation yet for when the server will run 1.8?
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