by VVX1000 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:17 pm
WARKRANK, I had the discussion with Zerg, you talk to him about it and he will give you the same exact solution I did. The besieged votes had absolutely NOTHING to do with that conversation.
Do we have to go into a intense debate over an already solved topic?
Ties are stressful, I have to admit it. I don't want to be a hostile towards a friend of mine just because of a voting process.
This story isn't 100% one sided, Do you really think I'm that twisted as to do such a thing like this?
Yeah, sure it's a conspiracy, but it doesn't mean that we were behind every event that's happened here thus far.
Infact, the only thing we actually did was agree that WE SHOULD TIE. Does it mean MAKE US TIE? No, It doesn't. We wanted to SEE the tie happen because it would be the best outcome for BOTH OF US. Causing less stress to us two. It's hard to have a friend stance with someone when they are your political enemy / rival.
Does that mean it's fair for everyone? Of course it isn't. But that wasn't our intended goal. We were not going to go around and force people to change their votes. And another note:
At the time of the discussion we both had NO CLUE that the Veteran Votes were stuffed up.
Are we pursuing others to vote? No. We were just having our first conversation since we got nominated into this vote.
We both agreed that it has been very stressful that our votes kept going back and fourth between me and him. It would be stressful for anyone. It was our way to create a truce so none of this would effect our friendship overall and companionship in the game.
I'm not going to go into a lengthy post unless you have a viable argument. Don't be making assumptions without knowing both sides of the story. I said in my previous post that Zerg and I had the intense discussion. Why would I lie? I'm an honest person and I want everyone here to know that I can be trusted. I don't lie to people, and I most certainly would never lie to staff members about a vote that encompasses me or ANY friend for that matter.
Me and Ost are hiding absolutely nothing. We are just stressed over the scores, and I do admit since the vote has been reset I have been struck with dismay and disapproval from the others, them assuming I did this to boost myself up. As Epic said, I didn't do anything, I like a legit battle, but I can't just have an enemy because of a vote.
I do not know how you cannot see that in the text you have that the emotions expressed there were majorly STRESSFUL. It was NOT remorse over the CURRENT losing party.
Let's see, did you ever try seeing if me or him voted by the same IP ingame or on Forum votes?
I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the only account from my IP is VVX1000. I own no other account but this one.
It is truly disappointing that you are hitting me, and especially Ostricho down for false accusations when it was only a conversation to lighten up our moods towards each other. That conversation had nothing to do with your current thinking of us "cheating". We both know that it's better to win legit ally than to cheat to win, and with both of us in the votes for a 2nd time, You can ask yourself why didn't they do it before? Reason: We know better, and we never INTEND to do a crime such as cheating.
I'm not trying to enflict a forceful message towards you. But you need to check the other side of the story. Ask Zerg, I talked to him about the EXACT same thing. I know that all the mods read the logs. I gave Zerg the 100% truthful answer. Do I need to tell it to you privately as well?
[Edit note: If Ostricho could support this claim that would be much appreciated.]
[Edit again]
I was in Octobers votes, situated in November.
Since then, there have been 2 Veteran Votes
Decembers Belated vote, And May's vote.
If I remember correctly, I had Donor during the months of December and January. And Donor expired on my birthday, the 31st of January.
After early February, I went inactive. That's an easy 4 months ahead of the last vote I was in. So technically, I wasn't all that inactive. I just didn't play as much. Probably about 70-75% comparatively to September and October.
Last edited by
VVX1000 on Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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