So here are the requirements for getting a waypoint.
1. The waypoint MUST be able to be seen from a 100 block radius and needs to be the standard waypoint statue: e.g. stoneslabs, with a beacon in the middle.
-Here are two waypoints as an example:

Note: we will not give out beacons, you must get them yourself.
2. Your town should be organized and neat, not scattered and unorganized. In simple terms it needs to be aesthetically pleasing.
3. Distance yourself from spawn - refrain from building a town within 500 blocks of spawn, at this point a waypoint ISN'T needed.
4. Number of players isn't a solid requirement, however it will be scaled off the grandiose of your town. For instance, if your town is impressive enough (this is rare) you won't need any residents for your town. If your town doesn't meet these requirements and is more utilitarian you will need residents in your town; the number of required residents will be based off average server activity at the time of request.
(For clarification this requirement is to help ensure that people have a reason to go to waypoint other than using it as a convenient teleport to go somewhere.)
5. Must be pretty. Like katoria, hanakotoba, etc. You know the feeling you get when you go to those places the first time - that kind of pretty!
Note: Any waypoint made after the release of the new continent that doesn't have its beacon will be revoked. Do not remove the beacon from your waypoint.
Waypoints are a way to have people teleport to your town without having /home or /job set there. If an admin/mod says no you should work on your town, not complain to us why you think you deserve one; after all, hard work pays off.