Selfie Contest

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Selfie Contest

by siderpig2 » Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:32 pm

I'd like to post a thread here, but first, let me take a selfie

Hello Kreatious Peeps, and today I am here to announce the first ever (citation needed) Kreatious selfie contest! If you have enough sweg, you will win a diamond block! The rules are quite simple: keep the selfies PG (THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!), Your Minecraft character must be in the photo use the default resource pack (or any that are higher resolution; Faithful etc), No Cheating(?), and you can only post at most one selfie at a time, you can post more over the course of several posts though (No spamming pls). Other than that, use your imagination and the world around you to make THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SELFIE.

There will be two different categories:

Category One: The selfie is one that has been taken on Kreatious, and must follow all of the contest rules, aswell as the forum's, and the server's of course.

Category Two: Any Minecraft Screenshot: This one might be easier; Contestants can build whatever they want in singleplayer, and use that instead for the selfie instead. Modded Minecraft is fine for this one too, just try not to use to many unordinary non-Vanilla blocks.

"So, how do I enter?" you may be thinking, asking, shouting etc. Just post either a image, or image link (both are fine, no points lost for either) and say the category you want to enter into, aswell as your IGN(Ingame name) for good measure. Caption it if you want.

Like stated above, the winner of each category will receive a diamond block as a prize, unless you dun want it, that's k too.

Feel free to ask me questions or tell me concerns if you would like to see something changed or a rule added, or any other stuffz.

Have fun and snap dem pics. Nearly forgot, I'll be judging whenever I feel like it
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Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:31 pm

Re: Selfie Contest

by Lyoness_SoE » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:53 am

.... I will do this when my laptop returns. ._. Selfies with rabbits, man. Selfies with rabbits.
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Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:23 pm
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