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Terror Complex Military Installation (In progress)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:08 am
by Teslaterror
I am in the process of Land reclamation of the Swamp I reside in, meaning I am leveling the land out for construction purposes utilizing the Newcomer Exoticturk99 if decides to become a permanent resident.

I have 70% completed the fortifications around the Terror Corporation Tower and may expand beyond current set perimeter if I manage to acquire a proper sized population.

Basic rules that will apply once completed

1. You may not alter pre-built structures beyond appearance with the exception of furnishing and redecorating.
2. If you are not active with three weeks, I will personally throw your belongings in the nearby river. :twisted:
3. If you do not pay your upkeep fee, You have three days to pack your crap or Im torching it. :twisted:
4. Staff of the Terror complex may only have a single roomate unless Authorized more than 1 individual.
5. Guests and explorers may only visit the Terror complex during Daytime, If caught trespassing after hours,they will be fined the cost of three Iron ingots
6. Guests may not access the Subterranan Section of the Bases due to sensitive research materials, If caught, you will be fined 9 diamonds blocks!
7. All orders that I place on the Taskboard must be accomplished within their alotted time, and If assigned to an individual then fail to complete that task, their workload will double when Assignments are created.

Re: Terror Complex Military Installation (In progress)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:15 am
by dragonslayer1200
... I bet if you lightened up the strictness, people would start to live here... 9 diamond blocks? For walking into something? Why not just private it...? Especially lessen up what happens if you don't pay... I.E. make a trench around the house that they're not /allowed or /hired to build on, so if they try to get into their house without paying, then it's griefing... etc. And why would somebody have to do work? What if they just want to live there to live there?


Re: Terror Complex Military Installation (In progress)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:08 pm
by Teslaterror
Alot of it is still under construction and Its suppose to resemble a military base hierarchy plus I would need workers to clear out underground sector in which I will place all my top secret redstone contraptions and goodies which Only i and my officers will have access to

Its pretty much going to be organized with the Supply depot (a store) as the main means of being able to allowed to reside in the terror complex by utilizing gold as currency

Certain blocks get your stay extended
Iron Block= 24 hours= Day
Gold Block=168 hours= Week
Lapus block= 252 hours= Week and a half
Emerald block= 360 hours= Half a month
Diamond Block= 720 hours= a Month

If paid a certain amount of blocks that above your current stage level, your accomodations will be upgraded
3 iron blocks= Tiny cabin w/ third class luxuries (crafting bench,bed, furnace, and double sized privated chest)
3 gold blocks= Decent size house w/ second class luxuries (Third class luxuries+ a Cauldron, a Brewing stand, an Anvil, and a privated Iron Door)
2 diamond blocks= a Level on the terror tower to yourself w/ first class luxuries (Second class Luxuries+ 5 additional furnaces, 3 additional double chests, an Enchantment table outfitted with surrounding bookshelves, and an automated melon farm machine

i know it seems a bit harsh but it prevents vacancy and im still building it dude.
The work is essentially to keep them busy while harvesting building materials in order to expand so I can conquer the surrounding region by building Fortress walls thusforth allowing more space.